admin 2019-09-24

Moon cake gambling

Joyan celebrate traditional festival.

Moon cake gambling, originated from Quanzhou, is a unique Mid-Autumn Festival traditional activity in the southern part of the country for centuries. It is a unique moon cake culture and a heritage of history. The founder of the blog event was Zheng Chenggong of Quanzhou Nan'an. In the past, Zheng Chenggong instructed his subordinates to invent this game in order to inspire the homesick soldiers. After hundreds of years of change, it has become a unique Mid-Autumn Festival culture, and now it is a common practice in the Eight Diagrams.


Many companies will celebrated the traditional festival,the most anticipated of the Mid-Autumn Festival is the moon cake gambling,we will play the game before our dinner,and to see who is the lucky dog. After the prizes on the table are shared, we will start our dinner
